How to Make Rellenos de Papa

How to make Rellenos de Papa

How to Make Rellenos de PapaRellenos de Papa are a traditional street food / snack here in Puerto Rico and one of my favorites too. You will find them at roadside food stalls, food kiosks in Pinones, Luquillo; in fact everywhere in Puerto Rico and they are super easy to make.

Typically they are made with mashed potato stuffed with carne molida (ground beef). They are crispy on the outside and soft and full of flavor on the inside.

So what do you need:

  • 2-3 lbs of potatoes
  • ¼ cup Cornstarch
  • 1 egg
  • Carne Molida (check out this super easy and tasty Carne Molida recipe)
  • Oil for frying


How to Make Rellenos de Papa

  • Boil the potatoes until folk tender
  • Drain and mash
  • Season with salt and black pepper
  • Allow to cool
  • Add the egg and cornstarch and combine
  • Take a scoop of the mashed potato and make a small disk in the palm of your hand (you will find this easier to do if you coat your hands with some cornstarch).
  • Add a spoonful of the carne molida and carefully fold the mashed potato around the carne molida to form a ball. The ball should be around 2.5 inches in diameter, but you can make smaller or bigger, it’s up to you.
  • Alternatively, you can form a ball with the mashed potato and then make an indent in the ball deep and wide enough for a spoonful of carne molida. After adding the carne molida close and form a ball.
  • Once you have your mashed potato filled balls, heat the oil to 350F
  • Carefully add 1 or 2 balls into the oil until it starts to turn a golden brown color. Flip and continue to cook until it is all golden brown.
  • Remove from the oil, drain and allow to cool a little.

How to Make Rellenos de Papa

Then enjoy.

Checkout our Relleno de Papa video

If you enjoyed this recipe, check out more here


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