Vianda Pizza – First Platano Dough Based Pizza Launched in PR

Viande PizzaRedefining the concept and flavor of traditional pizza as we know it, Vianda Foods has created the first Platano Dough based pizza; Viande Pizza.

its unique and crunchy banana dough topped with a delicious sauce with Creole accents and touches of ripe banana, comes to the market to innovate the frozen food category and carry the evolution of Puerto Rican gastronomy to our home.

To accompany the delicious platano dough and Creole sauce, Viande Pizza offers a variety of toppings including juicy sausage, Puerto Rican style chicken, pepperoni and seasoned ground beef,all over a layer of fresh mozzarella cheese.

Viande Pizza

“In Viande we respect the goodness of the land and we firmly believe in transforming agricultural products of the country in an innovative way and that creates an emotional connection with the consumer. The launch of Viande Pizza fills us with pride, as we managed to create a gastronomic balance between the delicious taste of local cuisine and an Italian tradition, creating a real experience with a boricua touch, “said Adolfo Santana, president of Viande Foods.

About Viande Foods: Established in 2014, is a Puerto Rican company whose products are
distributed by V. Suárez & Co. For more information visit


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